Anabasis 4 - Platon: le mythe de la caverne - Plato: höhlengleichnis - Plato: myth of the cave
Photo: Dr Wolfgang Wackernagel -
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Prefiguration of the Pantheon
Chaotic Index für Chaoten - spelaion - Plato's allegory of the cave, Republic (Politeia) - Timée: Le Mythe de l'atlantide - Timaeus : mythos of Atlantis - Critias: Athena, Hephaestus, Tale of Atlantis - Pantheism - Panthéisme - Pantheismus - Pagan theology - théologie païenne - heidnische Theologie - Alethes Atlantis - From Cronos to Ouranos -Platonic Mythology - Plato on Myth - Protagoras: Prometheus and Epimetheus - Fates (Moiras): The spindle of necessity - Le Banquet - Symposium Mythe de l'androgyne - Aristophane - Timaeus : Phaethon, son of Helios - Réminiscence et métempsychose - La migration des âmes - Active Imagination - Karl Gustav Jung - Meditation - Reincarnation and metempsychosis - Seelenwanderung